Reverse Mortgage Magazine March/April 2024

CRMP: Across the Kitchen Table ahead of trends by increasing the value of their homes on their own. “It makes the area much more attractive, and that means more money can come into these areas to help take care of the parks and cultivate a lot more things like community gardens, sidewalks, trees and play areas,” she says. Future of Reverse Mortgages Aside from the current slumping housing market and high interest rates, one of the biggest challenges Kemp sees in reverse mortgages is helping customers become comfortable with technology. Older clients, especially, resist e-signing and other digital functions, but the experience has opened Kemp’s eyes to the barriers they face. Some clients can’t trust their internet service to stay connected. Others have no service at all. “Sometimes, it makes them frustrated with the entire process,” she says. She has learned to offer to work together and walk them through the process. Younger clients, she hopes, will someday have access to more of their equity as they look ahead to longer retirement spans. For now, these 60-somethings seem to accept the concept of reverse mortgages, and they come to the table having done their research. Working with an aging population has given Kemp a new perspective on her own health and retirement planning. She aspires to become a landlord not just to rent properties but to help her tenants avoid scams and pursue legitimate rent-to-own pathways. For the future, she feels nervous and excited about her potential to impact the lives of customers. “You can’t help but cry with people sometimes because of what they’re going through, even if there are tears of joy when the process is done and they can exhale now because they were so scared,” she says. “They had nowhere else to go. They felt there was no hope. They felt they were completely forgotten about. I can hear them holding their breath throughout the whole process, and when it’s over, I love the impact that a reverse mortgage has, especially for people who were skeptical while knowing that I’m the one who helped them get over their fear.” M. Diane McCormick is a writer and editor based in York, PA. CALL US AT (888) 369-1573 OR EMAIL US AT WHOLESALE@HIGHTECHLENDING.COM TO LEARN MORE! REVERSE MORTGAGE / MARCH-APRIL 2024 13