May/June 2024 RMM

Complex Rules Require Professional Help That’s True When Talking About Taxes, Social Security or Reverse Mortgages By Thomas A. Barstow OVER THE YEARS, I have written about various tax proposals, knowledge that quickly becomes obsolete because of the ever-shifting nature of our politics. Along the way, I have found a flat tax to be a compelling argument for simplification, whether it was from Steve Forbes or someone else touting a tax return that could fit on the back of a postcard. As common sense as some of those proposals might seem, I quickly realized that simplification would be problematic for the tax attorneys, financial planners, tax preparation companies, federal revenue agents, state workers or anyone whose job depends upon people being befuddled by our tax system. Too many jobs and too much money are at stake to keep it simple. So, it’s best to retain the experts who can help keep you compliant. Just ask Al Capone, Wesley Snipes, Martha Stewart or Willie Nelson. So, what does that have to do with helping companies or loan officers sell reverse mortgages? Perhaps, nothing. Perhaps, everything. The tax situation is one example of In Reverse 2 REVERSE MORTGAGE / MAY-JUNE 2024