Poll: 1 in 5 Americans Don’t Think They’ll Ever Retire

Poll: 1 in 5 Americans Don’t Think They’ll Ever Retire

recent poll of 1,238 Americans 18 and older conducted by Axios-Ipsos found that many who haven’t yet retired say they are unprepared for retirement, unsure how to prepare, and unsure if they even want to fully retire. Highlights:

  • One in five Americans don’t think they’ll ever retire. Of that group, 70 percent said they can’t or won’t be able to afford to retire, versus 19 percent who just don’t want to retire (an additional 10 percent picked ‘other’ as a response). 
  • People split on whether they will retire at the time they expected. Thirty-six percent plan to retire on time, 23 percent reported that they will have to retire later than expected, and 40 percent said they aren’t sure if they will retire at the time they expected. 
  • Forty-four percent said they have had to change retirement plans due to economic factors out of their control. Read the full report.

Published by

Darryl Hicks

Darryl Hicks is Vice President of Communications for the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. In this capacity, Hicks writes for NRMLA's publications, manages the association's web sites and social media accounts, assists committees and the Board of Directors, and manages the Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional designation. Prior to joining NRMLA in 1999, Hicks spent three years in the Washington, D.C. bureau for National Mortgage News.