HUD Proposed Rule Expands Counseling Delivery Options

HUD Proposed Rule Expands Counseling Delivery Options

The Department of Housing and Urban Development published a proposed rule in the Federal Register this week that would amend HUD’s regulations to allow housing counseling agencies to use alternative communication methods, including virtual meeting tools, in lieu of providing in-person services.

“This proposed rule would update HUD’s regulations that require participating agencies to provide in-person counseling to clients that prefer this format to reflect advances in technology, align with client engagement preferences, and preserve consumer protections,” says the proposed rule.

Interested stakeholders have until December 26 to submit their comments.

Published by

Darryl Hicks

Darryl Hicks is Vice President of Communications for the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. In this capacity, Hicks writes for NRMLA's publications, manages the association's web sites and social media accounts, assists committees and the Board of Directors, and manages the Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional designation. Prior to joining NRMLA in 1999, Hicks spent three years in the Washington, D.C. bureau for National Mortgage News.